| Our goal at Take Aim Training is to teach the proper "Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude" needed to become a safe and responsible gun owner. Please check out our training opportunities to see which one is right for you.
Stony Rushing NRA Certified Pistol Instructor NRA Certified Rifle Instructor NRA Certified Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor NRA Certified Chief Range Safety Officer NC DOJ Concealed Carry Handgun Instructor SC SLED Concealed Weapons Permit Instructor UT BCI Concealed Firearm Permit Instructor NC Wildlife Resources Commission Hunter Safety Instructor Notary Public NRA Membership Recruiter "Top Ten Instructor Recruiter 2009 & 2010"
Anne-Marie Rushing NRA Certified Pistol Instructor NRA Certified Rifle Instructor NC DOJ Concealed Carry Handgun Instructor NC Wildlife Resources Commission Hunter Safety Instructor "District 6 Volunteer Instructor of the Year 2009" Notary Public
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