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5/12/2015 - Two Weekend Events Draw Crowds To Antigo - Click here to print this information

There were many events that took place in Antigo over the past weekend, but two in particular drew very large crowds. One event was the inaugural ride for the Antigo Area ATV/UTV Club. Antigo City Administrator Mark Desotell who has worked closely with the group, stated that there was a great turnout, with around 125 people on 75 machines. The group for the most part was well behaved as well, and he credited the group's leadership for self regulating and making sure people behaved. He predicted the group will look to do a membership drive to raise it's participation, and extend the one year agreements with the Town of Neva and the Town of Antigo. Groups from as far away as Waterloo, Iowa made the treck up north.

Nationally known comedian Bob Zany also made an appearance in Antigo for Friday and Saturday performances at the Edison Club. The Friday show featured more than 120 people attending a dinner and show, and 75 people for the Saturday performance which was strictly a comedy show with no meal. Antigo First sponsored the event. Desotell says they will continue to look for more high profile acts to visit Antigo.

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