
5/11/2015 - Busy Weekend For Area Law Enforcement -
edf40wrjww2Info:InfoText It was a busy weekend for area law enforcement. On Friday morning, police were dispatched to North Elementary for a student who was out of control. The subject, age 9, was throwing chairs, books, and knocking over tables. He then attempted to punch his teacher, forcing officers to handcuff him. The boy was suspended 1 week from school.
At 4:55PM, a resident on County Road A called 911 to report that a truck had driven through a ditch and had taken out a couple of mailboxes. His mailbox was cemented in, and thought the vehicle would have substantial damage. While authorities were checking the scene, the driver returned, and admitted to striking the mailboxes. The 68 year old Pickerel man faces citations.
At 7:08 PM on Saturday, an Antigo grocery store reported they had again been robbed of liquor by the same person as previous times. The woman was a Menominee resident, and was pulled over on the reservation by tribal authorities. The 30 year old was arrested on charges of retail theft. Recovered from the car were 6 bottles of booze, and clothes stolen from another retail store in Antigo.
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